In 2025, the Malayalam industry is bringing multiple new contents. Fans can expect more catchy movies this year. Meanwhile, the Indian actor who mainly works in Malayalam movies, Mammootty is returning with multiple new projects. Mamootty’s upcoming film, ‘Dominic And The Ladies’ Purse’, finally dropped the first glimpses. The makers of the film finally dropped an anticipated trailer of Dominic And The Ladies’ Purse. After a long wait, finally, the trailer of the film drops on the internet. What is special about the trailer? If you want to know the complete information regarding the same go through the page and read the full article. Check out the more details below.

Key Takeaways:

  • ‘Dominic And The Ladies’ Purse’ is the most awaited Malayalam mystery thriller film.
  • Gautham Vasudev Menon made his Malayalam directional debut with Dominic And The Ladies’ Purse.
  • The released trailer features Mammotty in a major role.

‘Dominic And The Ladies’ Purse’ is marked as the most awaited Malayalam mystery thriller drama film. The Malayalam fans of Mammootty are eagerly waiting for its release. The fans will be available to watch the film on January 23, 2025, in cinemas. Gautham Vasudev Menon, who is an Indian film director, screenwriter, film producer, and actor, is making a directional debut in the Malayalam industry. Gautham Vasudev Menon predominantly works in the Tamil industry. With the release of ‘Dominic And The Ladies’ Purse’, he is moving one step forward in his career. On the other side, the film is produced by Mammootty under the production banner, Mammootty Kampany. Meanwhile, the cinematography is managed by Vishnu Dev and edited by Darbuka Siva. In the film, Mammootty is in the titular role. The film features many talented casts including, Gokul Suresh, Lena, Siddique, Vijay Babu, and Viji Venkatesh. Learn more in the next section.

Recently, the makers dropped the anticipated trailer of ‘Dominic And The Ladies’ Purse’. It received a good response from the netizens. The anticipated trailer begins with the appearance of Mammootty’s characters. He says “Welcome to Dominic Detective Agency”. He further says “Get ready for your first case with us”. Gokul Suresh’s character asks him about how he does this. In the response, Mammootty’s character says, Observation and concentration. Viji Venkatesh who is known for her powerful performance, is introduced in the trailer. She asks him to search for the owner of the ladies’ purse. As the trailer begins, new characters are introduced. Missing purse about the two men missing case. A woman finds a purse at the hospital. The woman asks Mammootty’s character to investigate and find out who it belongs to. Viji Venkatesh then asks ‘Is a murder up next’. The anticipating trailer ends with the voice of Mammootty who is saying that he will find the killer.

The new look of  Mammootty is much catching. The  Malayli audience is greatly impressed with the performance and his look. In the comment section, the netizens showed their interest in watching the film. Since the trailer was released, it increased the excitement of fans and also made a lot of buzz on the web. A poster was also shared on Instagram. The caption of the post read “If 2024 was epic, just wait to see what 2025 holds!, Dominic and The Ladies’ Purse releasing worldwide on January 23, 2025. Stay tuned as we prepare to unravel some mysteries”. In the film, Mammootty features in the characters of Dominic, a private investigator, while Gokul Suresh is in the role of Alex Dominic, Dominic and Sara’s son. Lena is in the role of Sara Dominic.

In case you didn’t know:

  • Vijay Babu is also the part of the film.
  • The director of the film, Gautham Vasudev Menon is in a cameo appearance, as a Police officer.


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